Monday, October 8, 2007

A bunch of clouds...and a plane

This intersection is on my way home...just before the Palatine Park District horse stable......I took this because there was an airplane with an advertisement behind it...I couldn't make out what it was.Can you find the plane in the sky?
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  1. Yes I can. It's on the left side and the advetisement on the right.

    Congratulations from Portugal.

  2. Oui, on voit l'avion tout petit avec son message sur la droite de la photo , mais pas facile de le trouver sans agrandir la photo. beau ciel menaçant

    Yes, one sees the plane very small with his message on the line of the photograph, but not easy to find it without increasing the photograph. beautiful threatening sky

  3. Yes, I can see it but can't make out what it would say at all.

    They do those messages around here and I can get closer to it but still can't make it out.

  4. I would say it´s on the right corner down... the plane more to the left and the add behind it's tail... I guess the message was: "Neva, take my pic please!"

  5. These clouds are beautiful! I like how everything else is a silhouette (sp?) against the sky. Yes, I did find the plane!

  6. Yes I can see it. Why are there so many lights on that traffic sign (or whatever you name it)?

  7. Hi Neva,
    Great shot but what a dark sky ehhhh???? Almost as if the traffic lights are fallen all over your car....

    I'll be leaving today for holiday bye:)See you when we are back!!!! (miss my dog boohoo)she's with the dogsitter family..:)


  8. I can see the sign as well Neva.... it say....
    Visit Inverness D.P. and see this sign. ;)

  9. Hee hee! A nice composition Neva. The most noticeable element though are the stunning cloud formations in the background! Greetings from TORUŃ DP! Thanks for all the lovely comments today! Glad you like the look of our beautiful Polish city. Do come again sometime soon...the night tour continues!


I am glad you stopped in!