October Theme Day is Cemeteries and Graveyards. This is the cemetery in our little subdivision. I
This is the first thing I saw as I hopped the rusty, broken fence....
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je sais que cela fait bizarre mais j'aime ces grands cimetières, comme des grands parcs, tu y viens te promener, regarder les ombres, inventer des histoires
ReplyDeleteI know that that made odd but I like these large cemeteries, like large parks, you come there to walk, look at the shades, to invent stories
Love that leaning headstone.
ReplyDeleteSydney Daily Photo
Even though most people don´t like to think about cemitery stuff, I must say that I'm like Olivier.
ReplyDeleteNothing beats these green cemeteries. I can't be quite sure, but they transmit a sensation of relaxation, freedom...
A beautiful place to be laid to rest.
ReplyDeleteah peace at last!
ReplyDeleteHi Neva,
ReplyDeleteThe theme make me think of my dad I posted a flower for him, instead of a stone or graveyard, thats a bit softer:)
Have a great week:)
I like it. It is really the opposite of the cemetery in Carcassonne where the graves are almost superimposed!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful cemetery. Thanks for climbing the fence!
ReplyDeleteGreat shots!!
ReplyDeleteHi Neva. nice shots of this graveyard!
ReplyDeleteIt is always interesting to look at the old graveyards in a town. You can learn a lot about the history of a place.
ReplyDeleteAnd some nice shadows too...;-)
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it was well worth the trouble to get into ... who knew a little bit of history is hidden in Inverness?
ReplyDeleteSo, Bonnie and Clayde... er... Neva and Clancy, have you got a plan for The Color Blue? >:D
ReplyDeleteStay groovy!
Quiet place to rest, nice shot!
ReplyDeleteHow interesting that it is in your neighborhood! I wonder if a church used to be there. I hope someone has recorded the names -- those types of cememteries are so often lost.
ReplyDeleteDoes the cemetery seem a little with the abandonment?
ReplyDeleteThere is not too much tomb
I bet no one went to more trouble to get their pictures today, a nice simple, uncluttered place, and very peaceful
ReplyDeleteWhat a peaceful looking cemetery--it's a very lovely spot with all the old shade trees and the beautiful grass (ours is mostly brown now!)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your visit to Arlington DP!
This is pretty abandoned...the last grave in here...that I saw....was in 1964...I will post some pictures this week of some of the headstones....there used to be a farm on all this property that my subdivision is now located. Someone mows in here because it is at least mowed...
ReplyDeleteVery bright and peaceful resting place! I like how you posted lead up posts prior to the Theme Day.
ReplyDeleteThis cemetery has lots of space. Unlike others where it is very packed.
ReplyDeleteHappy Theme Day!
some of my favorite pics have been shot in graveyards. I enjoyed your pics.
ReplyDeleteRebel....breaking and entering....into a cemetery, that's a first!
ReplyDeleteWell worth the photos, nice job.
The first photo has a very calm and solemn feeling. Very nicely done.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing...I have learned a lot of history with this theme.
ReplyDeletethats what i call "Simply Beautiful"
ReplyDeleteSounds wierd but I love cemetries!
ReplyDeleteVery nice images Neva.
like the photos, hate graveyards.
ReplyDeleteI am fascinated by cemetaries. So much sadness there, but over time they so many become neglected and fall into disrepair because no one cares any more. Also so much history there. I dis a post on our local cemetary a few months ago