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I went to one of those when I stayed in the US. Put it this way....the typical breakfast lasted til about 3pm! HUGE.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many kinds of pancakes are served there!
p/s it's not horseradish, but white radish eg like Daikon and it is saltish as it is preserved. :-)
Happy Theme Day!
Happy theme day, Neva. I tried to find what the theme was on City daily photo blog but couldn't find the information.....
ReplyDeleteI love pancakes!
la maison du "pancake", humm cela doit être superbe. Bon theme du mois
ReplyDeletethe house of the “pancake”, humm that must be superb. Good topic of the month
happy breakfast neva - I love pancakes and like the topping to be simple - lemon and sugar for sweeet and mushroom for savoury. I'm easy to please.
ReplyDeleteDo you think they'd do a home delivery to PNG???
Pancakes are much more important there, it seems, would be a good change.
ReplyDeleteOh, what fun! I haven't been to an iHop in years, don't even know where to find one, but I remember that their buckwheat pancakes were good & filling.
ReplyDeleteSounds good with loads of choices of pancakes. So typical too I imagine.
ReplyDeletePancakes to ruin my diet "intentions"; NO Thanks! ;)
ReplyDeletehmmm...PANCAKE,love it but only the sweet one,please!
ReplyDeleteHappy theme day ;o)
Pancakes are nice for breakfast and are filling.
ReplyDeleteBrookville Daily Photo-Theme Day
House of Pancakes sounds great.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, the IHOP. We hardly ever went to the one in Buffalo Grove when we lived there, it was so busy on weekends. I do miss the Illinois pancake houses!
ReplyDeleteI love to eat at IHOP! We usually get a sampler type b'fast that has a bit of everything. I like to sample all the different syrup flavors.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I've heard of this b'fast day. It's interesting.
Pancakes and eggs are my favorite. The eggs look so nicely done. And I wish I could stop starring at the thick pancake with the thick chocolate/ blueberry?? topping!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite!
ReplyDelete--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
This is truly an international chain; when my grandkids are "picky" about food in Puerto Vallarta, guess where we eat?! Don't recall if it's truly a part of the chain, but it sure is similar.
ReplyDeleteWe never go out for breakfast, in the netherlands it is not so usual, but sometimes when we eat outdoor we take them for........diner.
ReplyDeleteTell you the truth my significant other really loves to have a breakfast in this place every weekend. But for me they serve really too much for a breakfast.
ReplyDeleteBeing a college student, IHoP is a place I know too well. Where else can you go to get pancakes and coffee at 3 in the morning?
ReplyDeleteOh, I love IHOP. Good thing there isn't one here, or I would be eating breakfast out a lot!
ReplyDeleteOh, good old IHOP.
ReplyDeletePort Angeles Daily Photo
must be a great place for pancakes yummmmm.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time since I've had pancakes, though I have made crepes that were too thick, so maybe those count! I like mine with jam or maple syrup. How about you?
ReplyDeletePancakes... that brings back good memories, actually! The first one always went to the dog, so we always made sure it wasn't too big.
ReplyDeleteI like IHop but there are not any in our neck of the woods.
ReplyDeleteOnce in a while I love to eat pancakes for breakfast, especially before going hiking. I've never been to any IHOP. I should defintely try.
ReplyDeleteHappy Theme Day!! Glad that someone else enjoys pancakes. I have visited an IHOP when I was in the US and although I enjoyed the pancakes, I really missed my maple syrup!! When you come to Canada, not only will you have to get some Tim Hortons coffe but you need to have it with some Timbits (donut holes).
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.
Lol! I hated pancakes as a child but now I absolutely love them. IHOP is so familiar to me as it is where I have a lot of my breakfasts whenever I'm in the USA. The portions are huge though...perfect for sharing! :)