Saturday, August 25, 2007

An Inverness Dog, swimming!


You might think that we are at a dog water park. You would be wrong! We have had so much rain, this is the result. This has been a problem for years....I can't count back how many but this "ditch" or "culvert" or whatever you want to call it, has filled with water and boy oh boy did Clancy have fun on our walk this morning.
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  1. Glad the dog is happy, and I hope the rain dose not get any worse for you.

  2. That guy is going to get an hell of a cold...

  3. What is it about dogs and water - there must be some magnetic attraction!!1 He is in 7th heaven isn't he!!!!!

    Glad you got rain!!!

    PS Your series of church photos inspired my post today.

  4. Looks like he's having fun!

    We could sure use some of that rain.

  5. Definitely looks like he is enjoying himself! :)

  6. Just great! I love seeing labs doing what lads love doing. Getting wet!

    Clancy is having a ball. Nice photo. Love the circles that surround him.

  7. Is your dog a labrador? They love to swim! And have you dog water parks, really?

  8. That water looks muddy. We have swimming areas around here that don't look much better than this sometimes.

  9. Hi Neva,
    Well at least 1 person (or 1 dog) like the result of rain!!! I love to see the dog is having fun!! I also noticed that you renewed your profile photo (2 doggies now) OOWW You cannot make me happier But showing me MORE dogs pic's. Thanks.

    I hope you had a good weekend? I'll sending you some SUNNY greetings!!! :)


  10. Alice-we do have dog parks and dog water parks. They're really a way to socialize the dogs....we only go to the dog park as we have lots of opportunitys for socializing. The dog water park is in a forest preserve and it is lovely. I will take my camera next time and snap a few ( I am always afraid I will get it wet!)
    Jo_Ann = I did update with the 2 dogs...Tessie is almost 12 that I figured out it is not that hard to change them!

  11. Alice-I meant I only take him to the dog WATER park and yes he is a 10 month old is Tessie a lab but her hips don't work so well!Swimming is not her thing.
    Jules- I showed your blog to a few friends that were over and we enjoyed a nice conversation about the differences in churches and how people, I love the people I have met doing the daily photo blog....
    Jilly-you know I love your dog blog do a wonderful job of getting the dog and then the human that goes with them.

  12. The more of these rainy pictures I look at the harder it rains outside! COOL SHOT!


I am glad you stopped in!