Saturday, September 8, 2007

What sign?

This street sign is in the front of our subdivision.....I guess someone missed taking one of our curves!....
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  1. It must be a 'sign' of bad driving...

  2. I hope someone will fix it. I like the grenery in this photo :)

  3. LOL at Tom's comment!
    It sure is pretty there. The best a poor girl like me could do to get into a place like that is a job cutting the grass. lol!

  4. hahahahah!!!!
    No-sign Neva!
    Thats so funny,
    No-one ever will pick the sign up?

    Just make a picture everyday
    ( or as long as its laying there) and see for how long ..... uuummm you get 'the picture' eehhh sign, If no-one ever never is doing anything, just put it in your backyard :)

    JoAnn :)

    Have an awsome weekend! :)
    I added a pic of Ios on my blog

  5. Hi Neva,
    I red about Tessie (bad hips) Give her a BIG HUGH , I did not know you knwe a lot about Xrays? How interesting..

    Today I posted a more healthy looking IOS, bad she's still not healthy)

    JoAnn :)

  6. Somebody on your street seems to be a menace to those signs. You better watch out for that lousy driver!!

  7. I always hope it isn't anyone I know!!!

  8. Dear Neva, thank you for granting me the award. I feel proud :-)) now.

    Poor sign. We can see a lot of signs in that position in Montpellier where people drive too fast.

  9. HI SWEET Tessie AND CLANCY!!!!

    You both get a big HUGH from me and Clancy 1 extra (because Tessi got 1 yeterday) Sorry Clancy!!!:)

    From Us IOS WOOOF and JoAnn:)

    And a HUGH for you too Neva:)!!

  10. Yikes!! Good thing no one was out walking at the time!


I am glad you stopped in!