Sunday, April 20, 2008


Going just a few hours east and south of where I live, spring is in its prime! These tulips are in my sister's backyard and it was so nice to see such lovely signs of nicer weather. It is so GREEN here.


  1. Beautiful tulips Neva - and I see pinks too( or maybe you call them sweet williams - the wee willy kind). Spring is popping in and out like a yo-yo here :)

  2. Now this really does look like last!!!

  3. Neva, yep! you are really in the springmood! I love tulips,

    come see my Art Fly seen in belgium.

    JoAnn'd D eyes (hug)

  4. I love tulips. Its quite green here but we could do with more sun!

  5. Yes, these are beautiful signs of spring. A friend of mine in Seattle whose sister-in-law lives north of there sent me a photo of her tulips, covered in the surprising late April snow. They were beautiful but sad because when the snow is gone, I imagine they will wilt and die so fast.

  6. de belles tulipes qui naissent dans ton jardin

    Beautiful tulips born in your garden

  7. What a nice view, yours must have been the longest wait for spring I came across this year.

  8. Great tulips there.
    Mine all died with heavy rain we had.

  9. Beautiful tulips and their colour! I also like that wooden fence in the garden.

  10. Thanks for the comments on my tulips and thanks to the sister for coming to visit and getting to take pictures of spring. The flowers in front are "pinks" as they are sometimes called but technically they are dianthius. Unfortunately, when the sister left...she left us rainy, stormy weather!!

  11. Nice photo, I love the tulips


I am glad you stopped in!