Friday, January 16, 2009


Along with the yarrow not getting cut and dried, our little welcome lab got left outside as is now frozen to the ground and has become an immovable object. Of course, it IS -19F today (-28C) and school was canceled. I would like to think I am not a weather wimp but.....that is pretty darn cold....especially if your car breaks down and one would have to walk some place....
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  1. How beautiful showered profit. Greetings.

  2. I had to look twice to make sure it was a statue--thank goodness! Your yarrow does look like mine, Neva; maybe this summer I will finally get around to drying some:)

    What type of dog is Clancy? Our late Roco loved to play in the snow--he would burrow his nose in it and toss it around like a snowball. Of course, he was part Husky.

  3. Wow.

    It is cold here too. -14 this morning with a -34 windchill.

    Thanks for your visits to my old blogs. I appeciate it.

    Abe Lincoln Blogs
    Abraham Lincoln's Blog

  4. That really is cold! I'm surprised you weren't frozen to the ground taking this photo! Lol :)

  5. ow I saw on the dogblog that Simon and Clancy , your dogs do NOT like the snow, its COLD also but I like the funpart of it: with snow you can make a snowman and on Ice I like to skate

    Happy weekend from JoAnn/Holland

  6. It's just wet wet wet here. Cute to too cold.

  7. Yikes, and I thought it was cold here!

    Cute but cold picture.

  8. Good luck, Neva. I hope spring will be soon in your area.

  9. I couldn't figure out what the picture was until I read your post and then I had to do a double-take to make sure it wasn't a real dog. :) Now that is cold, but you had the day off and stay inside where hopefully it was warm.

  10. Just reading how cold that is makes me cold.


I am glad you stopped in!