Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow Removal

We have had so much snow that when they plow at work, we have lost spaces to park. These nice fellows are part of our maintenance staff and they are trying to remove some snow from a few of the parking was fun to watch them NOT hit each other--or any of the cars!
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  1. il doit avoir beaucoup de travail pour les pelleteuses.

    it should have lots of work for excavators.

  2. That's a lot of snow!

    My photo shows a board on which it is written "no littering" but people have left their garbage on the sidewalk despite the board :-)))

  3. They arent messing around are they?

  4. Looks like a tough job. It sure must be hard to go home after work and find your car buried in the snow.

  5. Don't you ever get sick of all that cold and snow????? Disgusting I'm so glad to be in the civilized part of the world TEXAS.

  6. What a great action shot! I know you must be thrilled with it, Neva.


I am glad you stopped in!