Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Season of Advent

Our students collected toys for the needy. This is about 1/3 of what was collected....the rest had already made it into the truck before I could get my camera out! Our students are required to do 200 service hours in order to graduate over the course of 4 years in High School. This is just one of many projects they do. Our school is about 1,000 students.
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  1. Toys for the needy...thats a great idea!!

  2. I like that the kids are required to do service hours. Sometimes they have to be taught to help others instead of just focusing on themselves.
    Toys for the needy is a very worthwhile activity.

  3. c'est une très bonne initiation, bravo pour tes étudiants.

    This is a very good introduction, bravo for your students.

  4. Congratulations to all of those who joined that iniciative.

  5. Our Parochial H.S. has public service also and it's such a good thing for the students. {As well as for those who are helped.} The life lessons taught {students} are as important as regular school lessons.

    Congratulations to your school!


  6. Hi good initiative I hope that they collected a lot of toys!

  7. Christmas can be a trying time for needy families....it's great that your school is helping out.

    Beautiful tree!

  8. Neva,

    We have something in common. I am also a high school teacher. I didn't know you also taught high school. Your kids have done well here. Great job!!



I am glad you stopped in!