"Once in a Blue Moon" or "Would you like to have a Blue Moon?" or "Did you know my favortite beer is a Blue Moon?"
Today is Theme Day! The Color Blue. There are 121 CDPB that are participating. Stop by and leave a message! Enjoy!
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Isn't there a song with that title?
ReplyDeleteNice capture.
Norwich Daily Photo
good glance
ReplyDeleteI like the post today, like your's, which also have a play on words. My favorite so far is Oliver's in Evry where he posted a blues club called the blue note which is in a blue building.
ReplyDeleteOh, thanks - now I won't be able to get that song out of my head ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat photo for theme day!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.
une belle enseigne, c'est un tres bon choix pour le theme, j'aime beaucoup
ReplyDeleteA good sign, it is a very good choice for the theme, I love
Why I love blue moon! I can't believe I didn't even think of this. Great work!
ReplyDeletelove it ....
Now I wonder if I'll be able to get the song lyrics out of my head??
ReplyDeleteBluehue mooooooon lalalalala!!! you are stelling my heart, tralalalala? yadadadadada!
I have that song "blue moon" in my head, in case you think that I became crazy....
Greetings for the dogs ,
also from IOS :)
So clever and me too will be singing that all day!!!
ReplyDeleteIt will be a blue moon in rabaul when i have good phone lines!!!
Nice picture, Blue Moon the song as sporting links with Manchester England.. Manchester City football fan have it for their clubs anthem, and Manchester Boxer Ricky Hatton entre the ring with Blue Moon playing.
ReplyDeleteMakes me think of the old Blue Moon song-ding a ding a ding!
ReplyDeleteCool capture.
Nice picture. Very imaginative.
ReplyDeleteThe last one was in June 2007 and the next one will be in Dec 2009.
I like your photo...I couldn't think of any thing blue but the sky
Cheers with a Blue Moon.
ReplyDeleteNice use of blue. Great photo for the theme..."i saw you standing alone"...
ReplyDeleteI have to confess I did not know there was such a thing as Blue Moon Beer. If it is your favorite, it must be good.
ReplyDeleteOh geez, I didn't even think of the song until your commentors started commenting about it.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lovely photo. Of course, I have a thing for neon lights at night. :)
Great blue post Neva. Like everyone else, I'll have a hard time getting that song out of my mind.
ReplyDeleteOh no! Now it's in my head too. Perhaps we should all sing along together. :-)
ReplyDeleteLovely pic and choice for theme day.
Dont' know the beer. Know the song! Nice photo, Neva.
ReplyDeleteNice! I love the signs.
ReplyDeleteGreat choice... Blue Moon-type beer is called "witbier" in Holland.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments on our theme day photo. It is said that the sky is different here, and that's why so many dutch/flemish painters were masters with light.
Neva, this photo is so perfect for our theme day. Hey, is Blue Moon a local micro brew? I've not heard of it here on the west coast. And, the song that immediately came into my head was "Just once in a very blue moon, just once in a very blue moon. . ." by Nancy Griffith. Now your readers remind me of the other Blue Moon song I know, my favorite rendition of which is sung by the little mice in the film "Babe." They have chipmonk-style voices and it sounds fun and corny. Cheers!
Seattle Daily Photo
i love it!
ReplyDeleteonce in a blue moon...
Happy Theme Day!
Thanks for this picture and your comment.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know the meaning of "once in a blue moon", that's nice.
In french we say "every 36th of the month" (tous les 36 du mois) that's less poetic.
Nice choice for theme day! I am like Josy, there's something about nighttime neon lighting.
ReplyDeleteGreat theme photo! That's a pretty sign.
ReplyDeleteBlue Moon? Ok... on cocktail and on music.
ReplyDeleteNice photo!
ReplyDeleteBlue Moon! Great beer! Love your choice for the November theme.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend.
Good stuff! Never heard of Blue Moon beer...is it American? What's the percentage of alcohol?
ReplyDeleteI've never seen one, or drunk one, but I quite like the song.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know more about Blue Moon Beer....go here
ReplyDeleteor this one is fun. Glad you all enjoyed this...I never even considered the song "blue moon" and it is now running around in MY head!
Never seen a Blue Moon bar/beer before. Love the logo.
ReplyDeleteWonderful photo for theme day--I knew I'd come across a blue moon, but never dreamed it would be as interesting as this one. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I missed your post! I visited so many blogs on 11/1 I lost count. So there's a Blue Moon beer? I had no idea! :D