Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Which way?

While in Washington DC with my Scholastic Bowl kids the end of May, we took a quick trip downtown early early early to see the "sights"--the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the White House (which we couldn't even drive by because it was blocked off due to Rolling Thunder (a motorcycle event on Memorial Day))...As we were driving down the boulevard, I saw these 2 one way signs......which way should I go? Well, I went straight! I will show you that tomorrow.
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  1. Now, these signs sure do look confusing! I would have gone straight too.

  2. That is confusing! I would've ignored the sign too. I think that is the first time I've seen a D.C. street void of cars.

  3. If you were Portuguese you wouldn't even hesitate!

    Signs? What signs? :)


I am glad you stopped in!