Monday, December 29, 2008

A Jazz bar

This is a jazz bar in downtown Chicago at State and Cermak...called Reggie's. It is in what we call a "changing neighborhood".....and was actually very nice once we made it inside....
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  1. Oh this would be a fun place to go to. Great atmosphere!

  2. Hi Neva! Hope you had a great holiday season and wish you a 2009 much better than we can anticipate and at least as better as if your dreams come true!
    Health, Peace, and… some money to spend… ;)
    Keep the address please; I'll get back to Chicago one day... ;)
    As for Blogtrotter, it’s visiting the Red Fort in Delhi. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

  3. It does look like a good jazz joint, Neva. They serve food, too? Can't beat that--live music and food, feed the soul and the body.

  4. hi neva, nice shot of what looks to be a great time! happy holidays!

  5. I like the small bars where people can drink a glass by listening to some music.
    There remains some some in our city

  6. I would like to walk around and see whats on the walls. Looks neat.


I am glad you stopped in!