Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A package from afar

I have been traveling and have been too busy to blog. When I returned home, this package was waiting for me from my daughter. The trip I took to Washington DC pales in comparision to where she is! I think the return address says it all.
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  1. elle fait, en effet, un beau voyage
    it makes a nice trip, in effect,

  2. So what did you get? There's a lot of Hare Krishnas in San Diego, I had forgotten about them!

  3. Any kind of trip is good, near or far. I hope you'll share some D.C photos with us.

  4. Will you tell us what you got? When will your daughter be back? A really long trip!

  5. I like the packaging; it looks much more natural than brown paper.

  6. Wow, what a life your daughter leads. Is that paper or other type of material? What interesting souvenirs did you get? :)

  7. Indeed, the return address says it all!

  8. I wish I wrote "Gujarat" instead of "GUJ! its a state in west india, on the Arabian Sea, i heard it's the only state where cow killing is a criminal offense.
    I love you MOM!
    and i was just sending home just things
    the Hare Krishnas are lovely people who sheltered me on my spiritual journey in india, it's where they originate from. millions of indians and thousands of others accept Krishna as God, the Supreme Being, God's sublime personality form. The Hare Krishnas are teaching original Vedas, the oldest scriptures in the whole world.


I am glad you stopped in!